Thursday, April 15, 2010


So more good news, we went out to Kitchen Center to visit Dick Kahle--to beg, plead, threaten, whatever. I said, "how's it going on our project?" He said, "we start Tuesday." Awesome.

I have an appointment tomorrow with my Oncologist. I am starting to have some pain, need to have it checked out.

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you that there's a start date for those bathrooms. Sounds as if everything else is going well. And so sorry about the pain; will ramp up the prayers in that regard.
    Frustrated by this miserable spring cold that keeps me from coming around to pitch in - don't want to do harm instead. But my thoughts, hopes and love are always with you and Em, and your extended family and loyal loving friends!
    Found your geneology most interesting. Estonian sounds more exotic than German somehow - probably because there are so many of us! (Those portraits aren't so grim as you might think. I've seen some real battleaxes - these look relatively gentle. But that's apparently not where you got your devilish handsomeness...)
    Much love and many well-wishes,
